Friday, August 19, 2011

Evangelina Bomp-that-rola wins BAFWeek

well, there wasn't exactly a prom king and queen from this season's Buenos Aires Fashion Week, but if there were, ms. bomparola would be both. how is it that this designer never employed color, but now perfects the neon and neutral look? every piece makes me wanna scream they're so beautiful. 60s and 70s whaaaa? this collection is modern, minimalist and mind-blowing.



this, ladies and gentlemen, is tailoring at its finest. clearly the winner in my book. if only i had an office to wear a suit or see-through blouse to... working on that one.

read more about Evangalina and all the others at BAFWeek S/S 2011-12 here.


fotos from here.

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